Intensive Accent Modification Visual Program (IAMVP).
What is your speech intelligibilty rating? How easily are you understood? (comprehensibility?)
What is your speech intelligibilty rating? How easily are you understood? (comprehensibility?)
Yes, your speech is very important. It's important to be understood on your first impression.
Yes, your speech confidence is very important.
Yes, you are very important.
Yes, make the most of your conversational interactions.
Come jump start your speech by reducing
your foreign accent as much
as possible
Check into our
intensive visual accent modification program; Summer 2014 (Limited Space)
We use the state of the art visual tools; the SmartPalate system
and VowelViz app with two highly certified speech language therapists and their
trained staff.
Check out our three different intensity options.
1. Regular sessions; meet 1-2X per week.
2. Intensive summer program
4X per week for 5 weeks
3. Super intensive two-day workshops (with half day
follow up one week later.)
If you would like to get on our wait list, please contact Ann at adorais159@gmail.com for details.
Our regular summer intensive 20-session plan is scheduled June 9- July 11, 4 days a
week for 5 weeks.
The Ten Dimensions of accent reduction five point scale" will be usedto rate you. (pre/post