Be sure and go to my SPEECH LINKS on the RIGHT-side. There are many good resources.
Many good speech videos that show the smartpalate system in use. Also helpful links, homework sites, other therapists using the smartpalate system, bloggers and more. (Not a burned out therapist! I love my work!). Looking for homework pages, go to the homework tab.
BYU workshop handout available here.
The presenter was Kelly Ferquharson, Ph.D., CCC-SLP
The takeaway message I got was so enlighting. I learned that it was important to provide a phonological awareness screen to all SSD cases before you release them. This was an eyeopener and very relevant. It proved to be true so far in two-thirds of my caseload.
2016-2017 SEMINARS;

You are invited to BYU’s Department of Communication Disorders fall seminar with Michael Blomgren, department chair and professor of Communication Sciences & Disorders, University of Utah. He will be presenting on FLUENCY.
NO CEUs will be offered
DATE: November 11, 2016
TIME: 9am – 12 pm
PLACE: Hinckley Center North Assembly Hall
RSVP is required to this email address so we have an attendance count. CONTACT
For May 27, 2015 free webinars and CEU Credits email Melissa to register for their free professional development webinars. One is on Telepdractice, the other is on June 16 Webinar: Uniquely Human - A Different Way to See Autism and Create Pathways to Success by Dr. Barry Prizant
Here is a link to give to your parents www.nih.gov NIH publication no. 004781
it's a two page chart from birth-5-6 years.
When you first start out with clients using the "SmartPalate" mouthpiece after they have acclimated to the mouthpiece, do the following each session to get maximum progress.
Client produces silent attempts with display, Go to Gold Standards have the correct target overlay; watch the scores. work on placement without any speech voicing or air. practice in increments of 5 or 10 attempts, stop think about what you saw. try again up to 50-100 total or 5 -10 trials.
2. WORK ACCURATE PLACEMENT; now add air for non-voiced sounds, then add voicing for voiced sounds. practice for another 5-10 trials up to 10-100 attempts.
A) Practice together or Alternate turns
B) Model once; client increases practice 3-5 times
C) No model; client practices on their own moving through linguistic complexity; words, phrases, sentences, readings, retells, conversations, question/answers
Practice the level the client can do across settings and people.
Dear Therapists,
When you purchase a "SmartPalate System" It does not do everything for you. And it's not good to expect a child to get their target sound within the first few sessions. Some kids will make progress within the first hours, while others take much longer. some take 6 sessions some take 12 or 20 sessions or more just to get the placement. (See Anna Schmidt's 2007 ) It's very client dependent. Be patient, the SP System works.
You still have to use everything you know about articulation or phonological therapy.
Here are a few things to pay attention to.
1. When you start out, collect a baseline sample. (I made my own quick articulation check) see below if you want to use my check list.)
a) Record the sample
b) Have the display clear
c) When you go back to review the sample, have the correct sound target overlay to see what the student was missing or getting and inconsistencies. As you get use to what every sound target is, you can do this on-line. I still record sample for safe keeping, but I don't have to review it very often these days.
2. Watch for flickers. If any blue lights flicker, this is both good and bad news.
a) It's good in that they are approximating, (stimuliable to get it)
b) It's bad because they need to work more on getting the flickers more stable
If you want more personal training, you are welcome to contact Ann Dorais, email: adorais159@gmail.com
or call 801-372-4383 to make your personal training appointment. Ask for the SLP therapist rate.
This is the sheet I use to obtain speech baseline with the client's mouthpiece in for the first session.
Record client say these words 1-2 times and SAVE before playing it back, so you don't loose the sample.
This is a good website with lots of articulation handouts. Very nice for all of us searching for worksheets to use during therapy or to send home for homework.
Free Speech Worksheet Samples
Each week they provide free downloads. Also they provide coupon codes to receive their full workbooks at a discount. This week get $3.00 off their $8.00 Tongue Twister Workbook for Sh, Ch, L sounds.
They have lots of other sample worksheets to check out.
Here is their 4 page sample to download.
Check out my Pinterest Speech Therapy Board. It has tons of speech-language ideas and materials.
I'll feature one useful idea per week under different speech categories.
Under Social Emotional category, check out the descriptive feelings wheel chart
Language Category; Asking and answering questions is an important skill to have in life.
here are a few helpful items to consider.
Children that are behind in school and or social life often have harder times asking questions. Here are several good reasons why we ask questions.
1. You are curious. We are social creatures meant to ask questions to learn.
2. You can "think" about possibilities. We tend to ask "What if" questions.
3. You aren't always sure what someone has said, so we need to ask questions for clarification. This is called "social repair".
Have a smooth flow of asking and answering questions is important to holding every day conversations. This chart is clever in that it takes one topic and works through couple of questions. E.g. going to the movies; Who do you go with? Where do you go to see your movie? What do you watch?
EPG Ch 21, From
Williams, A.L. McLeod, S. & McCauley, R.J.(2010)Interventions for Speech Sound Disorders in Children. Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.
EPG, Palatometery, Visual computer tool
real-time tongue to palate contact is rich in details. Used for diverse research and clinical purposes.
Able to use it with words, phrases, sentences, and during conversations
It provides unbiased feedback. It shows placement, voicing, and manner in how the person speaks, their speech patterns.
EPG, Palatometry. Visual feedback tool
Different EPG systems are available in the world. Brittian, Europe, Japan, USA. Similar in concept showing tongue to palate contact. Differs in the number of rows and column of sensors, software and hardware. USA has the most sensors.
EPG, Palatometry shows consonant patterns; contact patterns differ. Flatter palates produces more contact, steeper palates show fewer contact. (anatomy, articulation setting and speech style.) Data frames can be obtained. Quantify place of articulation, amount of contact, symmetry, and contact patterns, subtle difference of contact patterns.
EPG, Palatometery shows visual live tongue movements, regions of the tongue working, accuracy, lateralizing, bracing, stability, so forth. Speech Transcriptions are mostly used by therapists and researchers but limited. Main drawback is not seeing what the tongue is doing during speech.
Types of EPG error patterns, classified broadly;
1. Abnormal special configuration tongue-palate contact
2. Abnormal Timing; long durations, abnormal placement
More summary of the chapter review to come.
More summary of the chapter review to come.
Live Webinars available Oct 17, 24, 29, 2012 from 12:00-12:50pm MST
go to CompleteSpeech.com for more details.
Using the palatometer - a therapist's perspective
Time: 9-12 MST
Address: 125 Taylor Building1100 N, 900 E, Provo, Ut 84602
Contact; Dan Smith at dsmith@completespeech.com
Presenters: Ann Dorais, M.A. CCC-SLP,
and Kerstine Hart, M.S., CCC-SLP
Cost; $50
Includes; personal smartpalate, 2 hours training and materials (will need your own dentist for dental impression).
For: All SLP therapists, not for parents or clients at this time.
Look for some notes following the workshop.
Future SP Training at ASHA November 15-16, 2012
Atlanta GA.
Please contact Dan Smith at dsmith@completespeech.com if you want more available training options. He will love your suggestions.
Check this blog out,
Very interesting information on how to use the dental impression (stone model). Use silly putty and stone model of child's upper palate to teach tongue to palate concept. very cleaver. Thanks to speaking of speech blog.