The most common question asked by parents:
“My child's
speech and language is delayed so what should I do now?”
Here are a few questions I
ask parents:
1. How much do you understand your child's speech (see for developmental chart, (typical rule of thumb; by 3 yrs old, they
should be 80% understood, 4 yrs old= 90% understood, 5 years old 100%
2. How much do others understand your child's speech? (Especially with-out
3. How many words can your child produce? (Rule of thumb; by age
two, they should have 50 productive words, and be able to put two words
together “mom’s shoes”, Go byebye”.
4. What else affects your child? (hearing issues, tongue tied? Motor issues, sensory issues, attention, or
cognitive issues, etc). This is very important to know, so we know what and how to work with
your child.
My top suggestions:
A) Get help; Get a full speech and language evaluation. If your child is age
1- 2 ½ call your state (local) Early Intervention program. (Each state calls it
my different names; in Utah, it’s called “Kids on the Move”.) If your child is
3-5 years old, you can get testing done free through your school district
first. You can also check your local
university speech and language clinic- they often need clients. Check your insurance providers
for therapists. You can find local
therapists through
B). Get "side" issues checked out by physicians and specialists; Get hearing
checked, resolve tongue tied issues, motor issues, sensory issues, cognitive issues,
etc. (very important to know what to rule out first. Often therapy can’t begin
without everything being resolved, as that takes time.)
C) Work on "listening" attending games. (Say “listen”,
do you hear (pause) then name something. or animal sounds;, "What
says (pause, see if they are listening first, then say the sound
"moo?" Try giving 2 step directions to see if they are listening and
can follow the instructions in the right order. Have them listen to loud
and quiet sounds and they can say it’s loud or it’s quiet, Same thing with high and low sounds.
Try different sequence of sounds; like Simon Says with words
(say 2-3 words, have them repeat the sequence, or try actions- clap, touch
elbow, shoulder, etc.
D) Provide lots of Auditory Bombardment; Label everything for your child. A
child has to hear your speech models often and then they try to imitate you.
(Read books, sing songs, and play with your kids; bubble, balloon, blocks-
pause for responses for “want more?” “Which color?” label items,)
E) Support your child's expressive language; Try "forced choices"
"Tell me what you want for every meal and snack time"
"water or milk?" "Cookie or cracker?"
Acknowledge their attempts as good. Model the word again as they
reach for it but get them to try to say the word. (Try up to 5 times; with
pauses, then give a "free sample" ) Give only one small sample.
not the whole item. The idea is to get
lots of practice opportunities through out the day. If the food is an incentive stretch out this practice
time as much as you can. Do the same with toys and activities.
F) Reduce Frustration; Teach simple sign language (hand movements are easier than
mouth movements for some kids early on). (Basic signs are available on the
internet) Just start with 1-2, use often, then add one sign per day or
week. Before you know it, your child
will be talking and signing, then just talking and talking. It will reduce
frustration for everyone.