This summer as a private speech therapist; I decided it was time to allow myself to take one week off each month during the summer months. I still held my summer intensive program in June for three weeks, then I took one week off, then worked two weeks then took one week off then worked two weeks then took another one week off. Then I will be more than ready to get back to working full time.
Vacations can start out small, even driving or hiking to your location (camping). You don't have to fly but if you can plan and pay for larger trips and cruises, it's all the better; you can spend more time there than spending the time driving there.
Here are a few photos from each of my breaks; You will see how very different each was.
Nebraska: Visiting a friend who moved.

Vancouver British Columbia;
Adele Concert, Harrison Hot Springs along the way.
Adele Concert was what we really came to BC Vancouver for. It was one of the best concerts I've been to.

Manzanita Beach Oregon; Along the Columbia River, passed Cannon Beach to Manzanita Beach for my final R and R break.