Wednesday, August 14, 2019


Fall is in the air with the hint of cooler nights and mornings.

It's a good time for back to school shopping and extra school activities like Speech Classes.
Email me (Ann Dorais)  with any questions or concerns;

Some people don't know what Speech Language Therapist do or provide.

Here is a reminder of the areas we cover.

1. Speech Sound Disorders- called articulation and or phonological processes
2. Stuttering; or Stammering,
3. Voice disorders
4. Accent Modification

5. Language; receptive- understanding,  expressive- sharing ideas and thoughts in complete logical sentences, conversations, presentations, sharing stories in logical sequence, etc.
6: Social pragmatic issues; conversation framework, social conversations,  problem solving scenarios
7. Auditory Processing; have normal hearing but not processing information well
8  Literacy; problems with phonological awareness, phonemic awareness, spelling difficulties, reading and writing difficulties.  (Yes we work on Literacy)
9. Tongue Thrust- correct swallowing

I recommend this app for speech improvement