Your children will learn from everyday events and family game time:

You are teaching them "executive functioning skills"as you talk out loud your steps to them. These are higher order skills; steps to making plans, How to organize, How to prioritize, How to make decisions, How to be flexible, making adjustments.
2. Baking time is a great time to learn, set aside time to let little hands help as much as they can. They will learn from you pulling out ingredients, following directions, following procedures, and service as you share your holiday goodies.
3. Gift giving; Let your kids help you see who is on your list, how you make decisions for what they want, how to budget, shop, wrap, and mail, etc.
4. Family events and games; This is loaded with fun learning; learn lots of social skills; how to take turns, ask complete questions how to give answers, knowing when to ask and make clarifications, repair conversation breakdowns, and so much more.