Friday, April 19, 2024

Time to Embrace the Spring Light and Your light

 I work at three schools as a speech therapist.  Each school has their Spirit Week or Hope Week. 

Today one of my secondary schools had Bling Day.  I got to wear my fancy jacket.

The whole week was about "Hope" letting in the light during dark moments or letting others bring their light to you during your dark moments. What a great message for Hope Week.

Here is my bling outfit. Thanks to a friend (Annette) who likes to shop and find great deals. She is a very generous person who lets her light shine to so many people.  I hope you have a friend who brings you light or you can be a friend to others that need light. I hope I can be more like her.

Speaking of Hope, if your child or you need help with speech, check into my intensive summer speech program. See the previous blog for details.